Purpose Statement of Capstone Project

In this seventh course assignment, students craft a clear statement of the use-value of their project, and the boundaries of its effectiveness. Clarifying the purpose and implementation limits of ones work at this stage can help prevent it from developing in a lop-sided mannersomething that easily happens (especially when one aspect starts becoming more interesting or successful than another). Please write a statement (maximum 100 words) of the purpose of your capstone project and the way its design ensures effectiveness. (Said another way, why does this project matter and specifically how will you know it makes a difference out there in the world?)

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Purpose Statement of Capstone Project

This capstone project aims to develop an interactive platform that enhances digital literacy among underserved communities. By providing accessible resources and engaging tutorials, the project empowers individuals to navigate technology confidently, bridging the digital divide. The effectiveness of this initiative will be measured through user feedback, engagement metrics, and follow-up surveys assessing skill acquisition and application. By focusing on tailored content and community involvement, the project ensures relevance and sustainability, fostering a more inclusive digital landscape that enables participants to thrive in an increasingly technology-driven world.

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