Accounting for Business

Order Description

The assignment is part of a an Accounting for Business unit. So please make sure you have a background in management as well as accounting before you start this assignment. The main tools you will

need to use for this assignment are the IIR NPV.
Assessment Item No. 1
Assessment name: Report
Description: Management Briefing
You will be given a case study related to a problem/issue that has been identified in a particular organisation. You are required to analyse the problem/issue and prepare a briefing report

including recommendations to senior management.
Length/Duration Max 2000 words
Formative or Summative: Formative and Summative
Relates to learning outcomes: Unit objectives: 1, 3 and 4 and AOL goals: KS 1.1, KS 1.2, HO 2.1, PC 3.1
Weight: 50%
Internal or external: Internal
Group or Individual: Individual
Due date: As timetabled

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