Between the Two my heart is balanced (1991) by Lubaina Himid CBE RA: A Philosophical Exploration
Produce a 1000 word written piece to be featured as a work in focus (Between the Two my heart is balanced 1991 Lubaina Himid CBE RA ) to a imaginary Virtual Museum. This should be accompanied by 500 words on how you have considered the digital virtual museum setting in the production of your written piece. Learning Objective ( 1000 words on work focus ) Critically assess evaluate and explain how philosophy can be seen related and explored within Between the Two my heart is balanced 1991 Lubaina Himid CBE RA reference critical philosophical thinkers , reference noteable postmodern art critics How is the Post modern Art Between the Two my heart is balanced 1991 by Lubaina Himid CBE RA a post-modern art work assess the relations to a variety of media such as fiction, poetry, film, television, photography, music and architecture. Evaluate different artistic themes when critically analyzing the imagery of the postmodern artwork Between the Two my heart is balanced 1991 by Lubaina Himid CBE RA Critically assess themes such a gender and race and evaluate with relevant dated historical references Critically and in-depth explore and link and analysis specific themes link back to the focus work. Use 12 Harvard references link postmodernity to Philosophy critical explanation