Checks and balances on the president’s military powers

You will perform research and write a 3–4 pages (750-1000 words) discussing checks and balances on the president’s military powers.

  • Checks and Balances

3–4 page in which you explain an instance in which either Congress or the federal courts “checked” the power of the executive branch in a war or an armed military conflict. Describe the long-term impact that this use of power has had on U.S. national defense strategy and the role of the military in achieving the objectives of the government. Cite your sources (Chicago style).

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The War Powers Resolution: A Congressional Check on Presidential Military Power

The United States Constitution grants the President the power as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, yet it also empowers Congress with the authority to declare war and fund military operations. This inherent tension has led to numerous debates and power struggles throughout American history. One significant instance where Congress asserted its power over the President’s military authority is the War Powers Resolution of 1973.


The Vietnam War deeply divided the nation and fueled public distrust in the executive branch’s war-making powers. Congress, seeking to reassert its constitutional authority, passed the War Powers Resolution over President Richard Nixon’s veto. This legislation aimed to limit the President’s ability to commit U.S. forces to hostilities without congressional approval.

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Key Provisions of the War Powers Resolution:

  • Notification Requirement: The President must notify Congress within 48 hours of committing U.S. Armed Forces to hostilities.
  • 60-Day Limit: Unless Congress declares war, authorizes the use of force, or extends the deadline, the President must terminate the use of force within 60 days.
  • Congressional Review: Congress retains the power to order the removal of U.S. forces at any time.

Impact on U.S. National Defense Strategy and the Role of the Military:

The War Powers Resolution significantly impacted U.S. national defense strategy by:

  • Increasing Congressional Oversight: The Resolution strengthened congressional oversight of military operations, forcing the executive branch to consult with and inform Congress about military actions.
  • Promoting Diplomacy: The 60-day limit encourages the President to seek diplomatic solutions to conflicts and avoid prolonged military engagements without congressional authorization.
  • Limiting Presidential War-Making Powers: The Resolution aimed to prevent future presidents from engaging in undeclared wars, such as in Vietnam, without congressional approval.

Long-Term Impact:

The long-term impact of the War Powers Resolution has been mixed. While it has served as a check on presidential power, its effectiveness has been debated. Presidents have often challenged the constitutionality of the Resolution, arguing that it infringes on their authority as Commander-in-Chief.

  • Judicial Challenges: The Supreme Court has not definitively ruled on the constitutionality of the War Powers Resolution, leaving its legal status somewhat ambiguous.
  • Presidential Interpretations: Presidents have interpreted the Resolution differently, with some viewing it as a binding constraint and others emphasizing their inherent constitutional authority.
  • Limited Enforcement: Congress has rarely invoked the War Powers Resolution to force the President to withdraw troops.

Despite these challenges, the War Powers Resolution remains a significant milestone in American political history. It reflects the ongoing struggle between the executive and legislative branches over the control of military power and serves as a reminder of the importance of congressional oversight in foreign policy and national security matters.


The War Powers Resolution of 1973 represents a significant congressional check on the President’s military powers. While its effectiveness has been debated, it has undoubtedly influenced U.S. national defense strategy by promoting greater congressional oversight and encouraging diplomatic solutions to conflicts. The Resolution continues to be a source of tension between the executive and legislative branches, highlighting the ongoing struggle to balance national security needs with the principles of constitutional government.


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