Circumstances in a case study unfairly impact members of one or more diverse populations

Write a 6-8 page assessment of the way circumstances in a case study unfairly impact members of one or more diverse populations, and the cultural competencies psychology, counseling, or medical professionals may use to help resolve such issues. Present research methods and findings that support your thinking and your approach to the developmental and cultural concerns of the case.

Note: The assessments in this course build upon one another, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.

Consider how your own culture impacts your development, behaviors, attitudes, and choices in terms of daily interactions with persons similar to or different from you. In the workplace, cultural awareness is critical, particularly in terms of the changing demographics in our society. Most jobs involve working with people from different cultural backgrounds. These individuals can be coworkers, clients, supervisors, or subordinates. To be successful, it is important to develop the ability to work and interact with people from different cultures. In other words, you need to be culturally competent.

Note: The assessments in this course build upon one another, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.

For this assessment, you will choose a case study and analyze the cultural implications of the situation described. In Assessment 2, you will analyze ethical aspects of the same case. In Assessment 3, you will record a presentation to communicate your research and plan for this case.

Complete the following Capella multimedia presentation and select which case you wish to analyze.

Case Studies.

Use the following resource to identify and address some of the cultural concerns in the case you select.

Introduction to Hays’s ADDRESSING Model [PDF].​
Hays’s ADDRESSING model includes 10 major factors of cultural difference that are most common in the United States. This model is very helpful for recognizing cultural differences and potential bias.
Think of this assessment as a report you would make in a professional context.

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