Conflict creates character Development/Personal Narrative
1101FormalEssay#4: Personal Narrative Topic: Conflict creates character Development Assignment:
Major elements in any narration are Conflict, Character Development, and Structure. You have learned Screenplay format, and you have learned how the element of structure can ensure character development through conflict.
Your assignment is to compose a500-600 word Personal Narrativethat narrates an event in your life that developed your character. That event should have a clear conflict that you (as the main character) face and from which your character developed. Remember, just because you faced a conflict does not mean that you have to overcome it, you just had to develop from having faced it. That means you do not have to be a victorious hero, some of the best narratives show development as a result of failure—failure in the conflict does not mean failure in development. You may wish to use the screenplay format as a mini-guide to structuring your paper. Think back to a single event or moment that forced you to see the world differently, then narrate that event focusing on how your character developed. – You are allowed to use 1st person narration for this paper.
Your paper should: Be 500-600 words long. Remember that personal narrations are also arguments—you are arguing how an event changed you and why. Don’t get caught up in storytelling, stay focused on the character development.
Be typed according to MLA Guidelines—12 point Times New Roman, Name, Professor, Course/Class, Date, and Paper Title all in the correct place. DO NOT TRUST MSWORD TO FORMAT YOUR PAPER FOR YOU—CONSULT YOUR HANDBOOK OR ASK ME. Be proofread for basic errors and typos. Follow writing rules we have learned so far: No 1st or 2ndperson, No contractions, and use transitional expressions.