Economics of Government Policies

Any special requirements:The reports should be submitted on the Student Portal along with an acceptable Turnitin Report.
Word Limit: 2500 words for individual assignment (+ or – 10%)
Deadline date for submission:
11th of August 2016, 2 pm
Learning outcomes to be examined in this assessment
a) Evaluate alternative approaches to analysing the effectiveness of public policy. b) Assess the impact of government policies on selected areas. c) Collaborate effectively within a team towards an economic analysis of a problem of government policy.
Percentage of marks awarded for module:
These assignments are worth 100% of the total marks for the module.
Assessment criteria
Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria
Maximum marks for each section
Content, style, relevance,
Clear demonstration of rigorous research from recognised
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originality authoritative sources. Audience focus; professionalism in explaining the issues to be resolved and selection of an appropriate methodology and dataset.
Format, referencing, bibliography
* The limit is not a guide, it is an instruction.
* Do not stray into tangential material. Always ask yourself – is what I’ve written relevant to the question set?
* Copy and Paste. Please try to refrain from doing this.
* Font size. Please use font size of approx TNR 12, Arial 12 size.
* Double space.
*Read (aloud) what you have written. If we can’t understand your argument, you will not get any credit for it.
* The Study Skills Handbook and Module provide detailed guidance on referencing. Ensure you reference your citations using the Harvard method.
10 %
Constructive critical analysis, introduction, conclusion
As important as having defined and solved a bright model is to have gathered the insights from it and being capable of explaining what has been learned from the exercise. Furthermore, it is required to provide several proposals and establish the arguments against and in favour of
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every alternative.
Candidates must clearly label their ID Number on additional separate reference, formula or answer sheets.
Answer both topics.
Topic 1: Rent control in London (50 Marks)
Your first report will explore and evaluate the academic theory and evidence of rent controls. There is currently a popular online e-petition circulating that proposes a rent cap of a maximum of £75 per week for a room in a shared London accommodation. If the petition is successful, it will be debated in the House of Commons. You are here to provide an economic report to policy makers on the situation concerning the justification of a rent cap in London. Structure your report as follows:
a. Introduction (100 words)
b. Economic theory (300). In this section, you need to outline how the effect of a rent cap is conceptualised by economic theory. You should use charts where appropriate.
c. Literature review of empirical studies (600). Provide a comprehensive literature review. Outline the most influential groups of studies. Find at least six peer reviewed journal articles. Critically discuss potential differences in opinion, methodology and results. Make sure you reference correctly (Harvard Style).
d. Conclusions (250). Provide a summary of your findings. Judge whether theory and empirical literature provide a conclusive answer to the question. Use your findings to judge the impact of a rent control in London. Provide a clear and concluding recommendation to the policy makers.
Topic 2: Immigration and its both economic and social effects (50 Marks)
You will have to write a second report that explores and evaluates the academic theory and evidence on the impact of immigration on the UK society. Structure your report as follows:
a. Introduction (100 words)
b. Economic theory (300). In this section, you need to outline how the effect of immigration on welfare is conceptualised by economic theory (Disregard initially any other externalities like the impact of immigration on social capital through, for example, an increased ethnic fractionalization). You should use charts where appropriate.
c. Literature review of empirical studies (600). Provide a comprehensive literature review on both immigration affecting welfare and social norms like trust, corruption or crime rates. Find at least six peer reviewed articles. Make sure you reference correctly (Harvard Style).
d. Conclusions (250). Provide a summary of your findings. Judge whether theory and empirical literature provide a conclusive answer to the question. Using the most compelling
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evidence, answer whether immigration into the UK should continue, whether it should be restricted by certain entry criteria such as education, age, profession or ethnicity, or if it should be limited by setting a quota.

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