Epiglotittis (swelling in the throat)


Cellulitis (skin infection)

1. Disease research assignments are designed to be open-ended and for your submissions, so you are urged to utilize internet resources, your textbooks, and other reliable sources.
2. It is important that paper in your own words. If it is necessary to quote from another source, please provide the citation.
3. should be more than just a couple of sentences, but no more than two pages long

4. In addition to writing a disease summary, you will create your own detailed case study involving your disease and follow-up questions for other students to answer.

– Disease Biography should include:

a) Basic information about the pathogen (Scientific name, where it is found in nature, what type of microorganism, if virus: what type of genome and capsid, if bacteria: shape and Gram reaction, etc)
b) Pathogenesis – Describe three interesting facts about how the pathogen causes disease.
c) Description of the clinical signs and symptoms, including time period in which they occur (fast onset or long incubation period). How long are people contagious?
d) Mode of transmission – How do people get infected? What population(s) usually gets this disease?
e) Diagnosis and treatment – What is the probable outcome?
f) Prevention – How can people avoid infection? Is a vaccine available?
g) Reference to 1 journal article about the microorganism or disease and a 1-2 sentence summary of the experimental design and conclusions.

Things to watch out for: Confusing name of the disease with scientific name of the organism; misspelling the scientific name of the organism or forgetting to italicize or underline it or to capitalize the first letter of the genus name; and not giving enough information about the organism itself.

– Create a case study (sample case study is attached)

Write your own detailed case study scenario involving your disease (creativity is appreciated) and provide at least five follow up questions with complete answers.

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