1st Assignment
Watch Iron Jawed Angels and fill out the following questions.
Questions for Iron-Jawed Angels
1. Why doesn’t Carrie Catt like Alice Paul or Lucy Burns?
2. Why doesn’t Carrie Catt support a federal amendment to the Constitution?
3. Why does Alice Paul want to have a parade?
4. How are Alice Paul’s strategies different from Carrie Catt’s strategies?
5. Why do Alice Paul and Lucy Burns split from NAWSA (The National American Women’s Suffrage Association) and create the NWP (The National Women’s Party)?
6. Why do some of the suffragists want to stop protesting in front of the White House once World War I begins?
7. Why does Alice Paul decide to continue the protesting despite the fact that the country is at war?
8. Why does Alice Paul begin a hunger strike?
9. Why does President Wilson decide to finally support the amendment to give women the right to vote?
10. How does an amendment to the Constitution get passed? (How many states need to ratify it?)

2nd Assignment
In “The Problem with No Name,” Betty Friedan describes the experiences of many American women and her book became important to a particular strain of feminist activism. However, as Beverly Guy-Sheftall notes in her video clip, many women felt left out by feminist activism. They felt like when activists used the term “women” their experiences weren’t being included. Thinking critically about the passage of Betty Friedan’s writing you read, which women is she talking about? Which women are being left out? Do you think it was useful for Friedan to use the term “women” when she was speaking about a particular type of woman? What do you think Beverly Guy-Sheftall might say about “The Problem that Has No Name”? In your answer, answer all three of these questions, and also you should engage with the main ideas in both Friedan’s text and Guy-Sheftall’s video.


3rd Assignment
After watching the videos on activism in the 1960s and 70s, consider the range of ways that women fought discrimination. What similarities did you notice in their stories? What differences? Discuss the various strategies that activists used. Were there parts of these women’s stories that you found surprising? Whose story did you find most inspiring? You don’t need to answer all of these questions, but your essay should engage with various women’s stories and with the idea of activist strategies. Your essay should be a minimum of 350 words.
When using quotes paraphrases from any of the readings, be sure to include a citation. You are NOT permitted to use any sources outside of this module.

4th Assignment
How did the passing of the 14th and 15th Amendments affect the Suffrage Movement? Your answer should be at least 3 sentences long. Make sure you put all answers in your own words. You can paraphrase from the films, but you CANNOT quote You may ONLY use the resources in the module to answer questions
Explain the differences between the strategies of Alice Paul and Carrie Chapman Catt. Be specific — what were the differences in the way they organized to get women the vote. Your answer should be at least 3 sentences long. Make sure you put all answers in your own words. You may ONLY use the resources in the module to answer questions

Put the following historical events in the correct order with the first event being the one that happened the earliest earliest and the fourth being the one that happened the latest.

a. Elizabeth Candy Stanton and Lucretia Mott host the Senecca Fall Convention and write the Declaration of Sentiments
b. Alice Paul and Lucy Burns let a hunger strike
c. Under the leadership of Carrie Chapman Catt, NAWSA persuade a state by state campaign and helped women get the right to vote in four state; Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Colorado
d. The 19th Amendment was passed

In her analysis of Norman Rockwell’s “Rosie the Riverter” drawing, Sheridan Harvey says

Rosie is big and brawny, which makes her look masculine. The drawing helped to blur the lines between masculine and feminine in order to encourage women to work in traditionally male jobs.

Rosie is big and brawny, which makes her look masculine. The drawing tried to discourage women from taking men’s jobs during WWII.

Rosie is big and brawny, which makes her look masculine. The artist didn’t want to include ANY aspects of femininity in the image.
According to the materials in this module, how did gender norms change between WWII and the 1960s? Your answer should be at least 3 sentences long. Make sure you put all answers in your own words. You can paraphrase from the course readings. You may ONLY use the resources in the module to answer questions.

Why does Betty Friedan say the problem for American housewives is a “Problem That Has No Name”?

If the women tried harder to be better mothers and better wives, they could have been happy.

There wasn’t really a problem.

They were ashamed to admit that they were unhappy.

Their worried that they could go to jail if they spoke about the problem.

Referencing specific points from the materials in the module, explain why the birth control pill was important to women’s advancement. Your answer should be at least 3 sentences long. Make sure you put all answers in your own words. You can paraphrase from the films, You may ONLY use the resources in the module to answer questions.

How does the Combahee River Collective define Black Feminism? Your answer should be at least 3 sentences long. Make sure you put all answers in your own words. You can paraphrase from the films, You may ONLY use the resources in the module to answer quiz questions.

What were the arguments in support of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and what were the arguments against it? Your answer should be at least 3 sentences long. Make sure you put all answers in your own words. You can paraphrase from the films, You may ONLY use the resources in the module to answer quiz questions.

“Women’s suffrage” means

How much women suffer in a patriarchal society

Women’s right to vote

Complete equality in every aspect of life

The suffering women endured during the American Revolution

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