Geography Lab Project

1) You answer all the questions about your city

2) You explain the science behind the things you identify to explain patterns you see

3) You show me you understand the concepts you are discussing

4) You cite all the sources you use, and write this in your own words.

Physical Geography Lab Project: Physical Geography of a City (55 pts)
For you final project, you are going to explore the physical geography of a city. I will be assigning each of you a city from somewhere in the world. You will receive a separate email with your city listed. For each city, you are going to research the information below, and apply what you learned about physical geography to your city. First a few ground rules.
1) This paper will be IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!! ANY copying from the internet, even ONE SENTENCE, will result in an automatic FAIL for this paper. You will receive a “0”. DO NOT COPY from the internet, or your classmates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) You will need to do some research, so cite your sources using MLA format. If you do not cite your sources, it is considered CHEATING. Here is a link on how to cite sources in MLA format:
3) Format: 12 pt, 1 inch margins, single spaced. Acceptable file types: .doc, .docx, and .pdf
4) Make sure to answer all parts of all the questions below. You will need to include good descriptions of the science behind these natural processes to get full credit. Please write this like a paper, but break your paper up into the sections listed below.
1) Where is your city located? Make sure to provide a general description, along with the elevation, latitude and longitude.
2) Introduce us to your city. Tell us a little about it before you dive into its physical geography.
Climate: What is the climate of the city? What geographic factors create this climate type? Make sure to discuss:
1) According to the Koppen climate classification system, what is the climate of the city (start with your atlas, and then see if you are correct with some online research)? What patterns would you expect to see from this climate type?
2) The four factors that affect temperature (latitude, altitude, distance from water, and clouds) and their effect on the city’s patterns.
3) The global pressure and wind patterns, which ones affect the city, and how they influence the city (equatorial low, subtropical high, subpolar low, polar high)
4) One other significant factor that affects the weather of the city. Make sure to explain this factor, how it has this effect, and why.
Ecosystems and the biosphere: What lifeforms are found around your city? Make sure to discuss:
1) What biome is your city in (start with your atlas, and then see if you are correct with some online research)? Describe this biome, and at least one way the organisms in this biome are connected. Make sure to discuss the relationship between the organisms with as much detail as possible.
2) What is one threatened or endangered species that lives near your city? Describe this species, and what is threatening it. Is there an effort to protect this species? What is being done?
Landforms and the Lithospere: Describe the landforms and tectonic activity around your city. Make sure to discuss:
1) What tectonic plate is your city located on? Where on the plate is your city located? What direction is this plate moving? Is you city located near a boundary? If so, which boundary? What type of boundary is it?
2) Discuss a landform near your city. These can include: mountains, valleys, beaches, volcanoes, plains, etc. This landform must be within 100 miles of your city. Explain how this landform was formed. What created this landform and how?
Hazards: Discuss a natural hazard near your city (such as earthquakes, storms, flooding etc). Make sure to discuss:
1) What is the hazard? How does it work? Explain the science behind how this hazard is formed.
2) What affect does this hazard have on the city? If you can provide damage estimates, all the better.
3) How do people prepare and deal with this hazard?
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Due 7/29, 11:30 pm

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