Hyperventilation-Induced Hypotension During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Criteria 3 Points 2 Point 1 Points ScoreContent Mentions at least 2 substantive findings or methodological limitations of the study Mentions at least 1 substantive finding or methodological limitation of the study Posting does not directly address findings or methodological limitations of the study
Originality Posting offers significant new insight to the topic. Posting offers limited new insight, but also contains minor redundancy. Posting is mostly restatement of previous comments.
Connectivity Post makes clear connection of study findings to course content and application to professional practice. Post offers additional resources, including a link to evidence-based citation (article or Pubmed abstract). Post makes clear connection of study findings to course content or professional practice, which may include anecdotal experiences. Posting is a vague generalization with no connection made to course content, professional practice, or anecdotal experience.

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