Information Scavenger Hunt

Students will search for books, articles, database items, and specific locations and resources in the
Chesnutt Library to prepare for other projects and practice citing sources in APA 7th format. They will create
an annotated bibliography of at least six (6) resources as required below. Resources for this assignment will
include but not be limited to Chesnutt Library books, ABI Inform Complete, JStor, EconLit, Business
Abstracts, Business Source Complete, Entrepreneurial Studies Source, EbscoHost, World Cat, the United
States Census, Google Scholar, Mergent Online, Lexis-Nexis, ProQuest Entrepreneurship, the APA 7th
edition manual, and other sources identified by students.
This assignment’s primary objective is for students to recognize when information is needed and have the
ability to locate, evaluate, and effectively use the needed information. Some assessment measures include:
were at least six (6) types of items found; has the bibliography been annotated in APA 7th style, and are the
references cited correctly? Did the books come from a particular viewpoint or position, which one? What
resources were used in the journals and books by their authors? Do the annotations provide a description of
the book, article, or document? Do they provide a critical analysis of the source such as their relevancy,
accuracy, and worthiness of the data?
Locate each of the following items using your information literacy skills. For each item, regardless of type,
create a citation in APA 7th format and write a brief paragraph (150 words maximum) that summarizes the
resource and responds to the question or task. Put the citations into APA 7th format and place the
paragraph after the citation for each question. See (Links to an
external site.) for further information regarding Annotated Bibliographies. The skills used for this exercise
will be needed throughout this course and the type of information that you acquire is used later in the

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