leadership management

Chapter Seven Case Study: Foreign Auto Shop (Part 2) Pages 183—184 of the Yukl textbook The purpose of this case is to develop a greater understanding of the importance of flexible leadership in rapidly changing situations. This case illustrates how effective leaders adapt their behavior to the changing requirements of the situation, while continuing to show concern both for task objectives and interpersonal relationships. The case also demonstrates that an effective leader need not be a “heroic figure” who knows everything and solves all the organization’s problems without any assistance. Please be complete and specific when answering the questions in the case study. The questions required for this case are listed below, along with the number of points associated with each question: Question #1 at the top of page 184: Before answering this question, you may wish to review the section on “Guidelines for Adaptive Leadership” on pages 177—178 and the section on “Guidelines for Managing Immediate Crises” on pages 179—180 of the Yukl textbook. In your response to this question, please answer both parts listed in our text: Part One: Describe Alan’s leadership style during the flood . Part Two: Evaluate how appropriate Alan’s leadership style was for the leadership situation . Question #2 at the top of page 184 (4 points). In your response to this question, please list at least two things that Alan did following the flood that illustrate effective managerial behavior. Question #3 at the top of page 184 . Question #4 : Describe how this case study can be applied to your work setting, position, or life. Criteria #5 : Use of proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure in your case study write-up. Chapter Eight Case Study: Restview Hospital Page 218 of the Yukl textbook The purpose of this case is to develop more skill in analyzing power relations and understanding how power can be used to influence organizational decisions. The case also illustrates how poor decisions may be reached by top management even when objective evidence is available to make a more rational decision. This case is useful when focusing on the ethical use of power. Please be complete and specific when answering the questions in the case study. The questions required for this case are listed below, along with the number of points associated with each question: Question #1 at the bottom of page 218 : Before answering this question, you may wish to review the section on “Proactive Influence Tactics” on pages 201—206 of the Yukl text. As you answer Question #1 on page 218, consider and then include in your answer any of these influence tactics that you feel may have influenced the Board’s decision to purchase the software package from Standard Software Systems. Question #2 at the bottom of page 218 : Before answering this question, you may wish to review the description of the different types of power found on pages 188—193 of the Yukl textbook. For each of the three individuals mentioned in this question – Mary, Jack, and the President of Standard Software – please specify the following: 1) How much power relative to the software decision each possessed; and 2) the type(s) of power each possessed relative to one another and to this important decision. Question #3 at the bottom of page 218 : For this question, you may wish to review the section on “Guidelines for Specific [Influence] Tactics” on pages 210—215 of the Yukl textbook. List at least three things that Mary could have done to gain more influence over the decision. Include in your answer any of the influence tactics and methods of employing them mentioned in the Yukl text that you believe may have been helpful to Mary. Question #4 : Describe how this case study can be applied to your work setting, position, or life. Chapter Eight Case Study: Sporting Goods Store Pages 219—220 of the Yukl textbook The purpose of this case study is to develop a better understanding of the different types of influence tactics and how to use them. The case also provides an opportunity to develop skill in analyzing power relations and planning influence strategies. When considering the likelihood of success for the influence tactics, you may also wish to consider the appropriate sequence for using the preferred tactics. Question #1 at the top of page 220 : Before answering this question, you may wish to review the different types of power that are described on pages 188—193 of the Yukl text. How much of each of the types of power mentioned on pages 188—193 do you believe that Bill Thompson, as the new manager of the retail sporting goods store, has in this case study? Why? Question #2 at the top of page 220 : Before answering this question, you may wish to review the different types of influence tactics that are described on pages 201—206 of the Yukl text. In your answer to this question, identify at least three of these influence tactics that Bill could use to influence Sally Jorgenson, the Department Manager. Include a sample dialogue that Bill might have with Sally when using each of the influence tactics that you have identified. Question #3 at the top of page 220 : What steps would you take, if you were in Bill’s shoes, to improve the performance of the sporting goods store? Describe how you would implement each of your recommendations. Question #4 : Describe how this case study can be applied to your work setting, position, or life

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