Management Plan Job AId


Write a 2-3 page HR Management Plan Job Aid that describes one specific type of discrimination, whom it covers, and the source of the legal requirements. Include a general discrimination policy statement for CapraTek.

Title VII permits religious organizations to discriminate on the basis of religion. However, non-religious employers are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of religion if there is no bona fide occupational qualification and no legitimate business necessity for it.

If an employer does not engage in intentional religious discrimination, should the employer still be concerned about religious discrimination? An employer must be proactive in evaluating and implementing workplace policies, so that they do not have unintended negative impacts on an employee’s ability to exercise his or her religious beliefs. This level of proactivity also includes making accommodations for employees who need them. Religious accommodations must be reasonable and not cause undue hardship on the employer, however. The EEOC considers the following factors when determining whether or not an accommodation constitutes an undue hardship on an employer:

The burden the accommodation places on the employer.
The cost of the accommodation.
Whether there is a degree of flexibility available—meaning whether the employer can reasonably create a flexible work schedule.
Whether it is possible for the employer to change the employee’s work assignment.
Whether a lateral transfer of the employee is possible.
Whether the accommodation would result in a violation of the workplace seniority system.
Whether other employees agree to participate in accommodating the employee with the religious request.


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