Mastering Communications – Human interaction and non-verbal communications

Write a report.
Date Lecture Reading
Week 1
Mon 11th July Introduction to Business Communications.
Negotiation, influencing, and assertiveness communication skills Chapter 8 – Mastering Communications – Communicating in Groups or teams
Chapter 4 – Mastering Communications – Human interaction and non-verbal communications
Chapter 13 – Effective Organisational Communication – Meetings, teams and negotiations.
Tues 12th July Communications theory and practice
Chapter 1 – Mastering Communications – The process of communication
Chapter 1 – Effective Organisational Communication – Perspectives on Communication
Wed 13th July Cultural differences and business communication
Chapter 2 – Effective Organisational Communication- Breaking barriers: communication in practice.

Thurs 14th July How social media has transformed business communication Chapter 10 – Effective Organisational Communication – Adverts, social media, news releases and exhibitions.

Week 2
Mon18th July Presentation Skills lecture
Chapter 10 – Mastering Communications – Giving a talk
Chapter 11 – Mastering Communications – Using visual aids
Chapter 18 – Mastering Communications – Visual communication
Chapter 4 – Effective organisational Communication – Making pictures: non- verbal communication.
Chapter 12 – Effective Organisational Communications – Presentations and audio-visual technologies.
Tues 19th July Internal and external communication and staff engagement Chapter 1 – Effective Organisational Communication – Perspectives on Communication
Wed 20th July Report writing & Referencing
Chapter 16 – Mastering Communications – Writing reports
Chapter 9 – Effective Organisational Communication – Reports briefing papers and summaries
Thurs 21st July Writing Business Letters and emails Chapter 14 – Mastering Communications – Writing business letters
Chapter 8 – Effective Organisational Communication – Letters, email and instant messaging: written communication

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