Personal Training
two client profiles, and will be asked to design a 12-week periodized program for each client. In addition to describing the logistics of the program, you will also be asked to explain why you have designed the program the way that you have.Approach these clients as you would approach a real-life situation. Your client should be able to take your program and put it into practice without having to contact you for explanation of what to do or why to do it.Before you finalize your submission, make sure your program passes the following tests:
1. Is the training program that you are designing appropriate, safe, and effective for the client, given the client’s physical abilities and primary goals?
2. Could you defend your program from a legal standpoint? Who would be held liable if your client was injured during training because of either lifting too much weight or exceeding a certain heart rate?
3. Is your program justifiable from a business standpoint? Are you professional with your current clients? Would they refer their friends, family, or colleagues to you based on the guidance that you provide in your program design?
4. Imagine that YOU are the paying client. Would you feel that your money was well spent if you were handed the training program/dietary recommendations?