Regression Analysis

This week’s main Forum requires you to answer the question completely and correctly to receive full credit.
This week you will perform a basic linear regression analysis using your dependent variable and sex/gender and race as the two independent variables (IV). You will follow the instructions in the text in chapter 17 to first create a dummy variable for both of your IVs. You will then follow the steps covered in the book:

Analyze – Regression – Linear

Explain your findings to your reader. You can use the example explained on page 311 for help.

The book to utilize is “Adventures in Social Research”, Earl Babbie, William E. Wagner III, Jeanne Zaino

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My project is dealing with Occupational Prestiege. My Hypothesis is:

H0 (Null): Living in United States didn’t affect the Respondents Occupational Prestige score during period of April to June 2010

HA (Research): Living in United States affected the Respondents Occupational Prestige score during the period of April to June 2010

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