Sanctification & Ecclesiology Position

Having read Svigel’s essays, “7 Church Ministry Models from Ideal to Awful” and “Rise of the Anti-Church: Online Virtual Church,” first put yourself in the role of defending the last three ministry models (Models 5-7) against Svigel’s criticism in one paragraph. Then, in a second paragraph, put yourself in the role of defending the first three ministry models (Models 1-4). In the final analysis, do you agree or disagree with Svigel’s assessments? Defend your position with biblical, theological, and historical arguments.

Compose a one-page, single-spaced “position paper” addressing the above key issue in ecclesiology or sanctification.

In this brief paper . . .

Present your answer to a specific question based on course lectures or readings.
Defend your response with biblical, theological, and historical arguments, and

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