Solving Some Combinatorial Optimization Problems Using Metaheuristic Algorithms

Paper details:

• Topic is
• Research proposal about :
• Heuristic, meta-heuristic and evolutionary search for combinatorial optimization
• Solving Some Combinatorial Optimization Problems Using Metaheuristic Algorithms
• Guided Local Search in depth
• Genetic algorithms in depth
• Ex ample :Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)

Your application must include a research proposal (unless you are applying for a specific, advertised research project, in which case, you should include the project title and description). This should be no longer than 500 words, and should include the following.
• A summary of your chosen research area, which briefly describes the state of the art and lists the shortcomings and questions that your study will address.
• An outline of the methods and techniques that you propose applying.
• The name of a prospective supervisor (or a list of prospective supervisors), and a description of how your proposal relates to their research interest and expertise.
• A list of references that you have cited in the above.

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