Systems of Equations

This project will give you an opportunity to show that you understand the concepts in chapter 4 (more specifically sections 4.1-4.4). Follow all directions given below. You will be graded based on how well you followed directions and the correctness of your work.

Read the following word problem.
A local concert venue has a total of 600 seats. These seats sell at three different prices: $80 for preferred seating, $60 for reserved seating, and $25 for lawn seating. The alternative band, Fishing on Tuesdays, recently sold out the venue and the total revenue collected was $33,500. In contrast, the heavy metal band, Meat Cereal, sold out the preferred seats, but only sold 3/5 of the reserved seats and 4/5 of the lawn seats. The Meat Cereal concert brought in a total revenue of $24,640. How many of each type of seat does the concert venue have?
(10 pts) Open the questions pdf below and answer them as you solve the word problem.
Project #3 – Systems of Equations (Questions).pdf
Answer all the questions thoroughly.
Write your answers in complete sentences. Please type your answers and save your document as a pdf to upload.
(20 pts) On a separate sheet of paper show all work to solve the system.
Define your variables.
Setup and solve the system.
Write your answer in a complete sentence.
This part should be handwritten.
Upload both the typed question document and the handwritten solution scan to canvas.
Check your documents after submitting to make sure everything uploaded correctly.

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