Teach students about internal and external validity

Create an instructor’s narrated PowerPoint presentation to teach students about internal and external validity. The presentation is to be narrated and usable in a teaching environment. Include the following:
• Overview introduction on why researchers should be aware of internal and external validity.
• Internal Validity

  1. Define internal validity.
  2. Identify four common threats to internal validity.
  3. Provide an example for each of the four selected threats to internal validity using your intended dissertation research or quantitative example for this course.
  4. Discuss two plausible research strategies that may be used to mitigate two of the selected threats to internal validity.
    • External Validity
  5. Define external validity.
  6. Identify two common threats to external validity.
  7. Provide an example for each of the two selected threats to external validity using your intended dissertation research or quantitative example from this course.
  8. Discuss one plausible research strategy that may be used to mitigate one of the selected threats to external validity.
    • Provide a presentation conclusion.

Length: 7 slide PowerPoint narrated presentation. Speaker notes (minimum 200 words per slide)
Your presentation should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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Slide 1: Introduction

Narration: Welcome to today’s presentation on internal and external validity in research. Understanding these concepts is crucial for researchers to ensure the credibility and generalizability of their findings.

Slide 2: Internal Validity

Narration: Internal validity refers to the extent to which a study accurately measures the relationship between variables without the influence of confounding factors.

1. Common Threats: Selection bias, history effects, maturation, and testing effects.
2. Example: In my dissertation research on employee motivation, selection bias could occur if only high-performing employees are included in the study.
3. Mitigation Strategies: Random assignment can help address selection bias, while using a control group can mitigate testing effects.

Slide 3: Internal Validity (Continued)

Narration: Let’s delve deeper into internal validity.
4. Example: Maturation may manifest in my study if participants’ attitudes change over time due to external factors.
5. Mitigation Strategies: To address maturation, I could conduct the study within a shorter timeframe or control for external influences through statistical analysis.

Slide 4: External Validity

Narration: External validity pertains to the generalizability of research findings to broader populations or settings.

1. Common Threats: Population validity and ecological validity.
2. Example: In my study, population validity may be compromised if the sample does not accurately represent the target population.
3. Mitigation Strategy: To enhance population validity, I could use stratified sampling to ensure diverse representation.

Slide 5: External Validity (Continued)

Narration: Let’s explore external validity further.
4. Example: Ecological validity could be threatened if the research setting does not mirror real-world conditions accurately.
5. Mitigation Strategy: To improve ecological validity, I could conduct field experiments or utilize simulation techniques.

Slide 6: Conclusion

Narration: In conclusion, maintaining both internal and external validity is essential for producing reliable and applicable research findings. By recognizing common threats and employing mitigation strategies, researchers can enhance the robustness and relevance of their studies.

Slide 7: Questions

Narration: Thank you for engaging with this presentation. Do you have any questions or insights to share regarding internal and external validity in research?


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