A Literary Analysis of A Novel – The Metamorphosis




One of the goals of this assignment is to assess student competence for each of these objectives:
Written and Oral Communication— write organized essays with a clear thesis; support the thesis with details,
examples, reasons, and other evidence; vary sentence structure and length as appropriate; employ strategies
in a manner appropriate to a given audience; conform to the grammar, punctuation, and spelling rules of edited
American English with a minimum of errors.
Critical Analysis and Reasoning—apply the critical thinking skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation for a
variety of texts; employ rhetorical strategies to express complex ideas
3. Technological Competence— utilize learning management systems and word processing programs as
appropriate to the academic environment.
4. Information Literacy— conduct research; access and choose appropriate academic sources; evaluate
sources by examining authority, currency, validity, and reliability; incorporate appropriate academic sources into
essays by summarizing, quoting, and paraphrasing correctly; document sources according to the assigned
formatting and style guide.
5. Local and Global Diversity— examine a variety of complex texts from diverse perspectives and authorship;
demonstrate an awareness of historical, social, and political contexts.
How can we address the novel we’re reading (the Metamorphosis or Brave New World) as a CULTURAL
Analysis is an essential skill needed to for success in college and in life. An analysis involves first breaking
down the information presented in a work into individual pieces and then examining the pieces to better
understand the whole.
Almost anything can be analyzed. This assignment asks you to analyze a cultural product, which must be
approved by your teacher. A cultural product may include images, videos, advertisements, written and oral
texts, and much more.



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