Accounting Systems.


Complete all previous activities in the Learning Module Path: Accounting Systems.
You will use the concepts learned in this class throughout your career. The application will be different at the entry level than when you are an executive. You may have to teach them to the people you hire. Understanding how to apply the concepts at each level is a useful skill.
You will assemble a portfolio of resources to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities you have acquired for your professional career. This assignment is designed to be included in your portfolio.
Select one topic from the Learning Module: Accounting Systems.
Create a video journal and address these points:
As an entry-level professional.
As a mid-level professional.
As an executive-level professional.
Identification: Identify the topic and explain why you believe the topic is important.
Explanation: Explain the calculations or concepts, and how it can be used in decision-making.
Application: Assuming your audience knows nothing about the topic, explain how to apply it:
Ethics: Identify 1 ethical issue related to this topic and explain how you would address it.
Develop a rough idea of what you want to do.
Create a storyboard to further organize and refine your thoughts using the storyboard form.

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