American Nurses Association

Reading Requirements:American Nurses Association. (2009). Scope and standards for nurse administrators (2nd ed.). ANA: Washington, DC. ANA Scope and Standard 3,7

Liebler, J. G. and C. R. McConnell. (2012). Management Principles for Health Professionals, Seventh Edition Chapter 13


Please provide a secondary response to each of the two primary post as posted below separately using at least 2 references for each response.

These primary responses are based on the discussion of commenting on Aristotle who live from 384 BC-322 BCC was a Greek philosopher, scientist, student of Plato and Alexander the Great’s teacher. He said this about quality, “Quality is not an act. It is a habit”.

These two primary post are based on one of the four performance improvement Focci noted on pages 423-426 in the text.

Please also see order number 81687060 if needed, as to this is a follow up to that order with the exception of just responding to others responses.

Post 1
In the health care profession you often hear medical professions refer to the “quality of life” that a patient

will have. Benefits of treatment must outweigh the risks when taking into consideration rather or not a

surgery or hazardous treatment therapy, such as chemo, is going to increase the mortality of the individual.

This mentality is also true for those in an administrative position. Managing a unit requires more then just the

effort and participation of the those in the leadership position. Managerial professionals must be able to access

and analyze all aspects of their working environment, and encourage their staff to believe in the goal they look

to achieve. Staff members must actively participate in implementing the change that they want to see.

Managerial decisions may appear risky and incomprehensible to staff, but with adequate communication and

encouragement, process improvement initiatives can become the mission of all involved. “The governing

body’s commitment to excellence, stated in the vision and mission statement and overall organizational goals,

is the starting point for such initiatives” (Liebler & McConnell, 2016).

Benchmarking plays a key role in developing and maintaining standards of performance uniquely tailored

to a health care organization. Measures that can be proven through statistical analysis and validation are more

easily accepted and adopted by those attempting to be persuaded. Federal agencies, such as The Joint

Commission, act as an external resource crucial in establishing a baseline for peak performance & quality

improvement. If the previously mentioned initiatives established by The Joint Commission are enacted as the

standard day to day practices of a facility, organizations will no longer misinterpret the intended purpose of the

practices, leading to a needless flurry of activities and careless oversight of basic activities during times of

inspection (Smith, 2001). Benchmarking is not simply the duplication of another organization’s successes.

Reproduction of successful solutions does not constitute an organization’s understanding of why the processes.

With the demanding increase in patient quality and satisfaction, benchmarking helps ‘teach an organization how

to learn’ and continually improve the quality of activities and processes (Sitko-Lutek & Cholewa-Wiktor,

2015). Quality is not measured by the act of performing a task, it is measured by the knowledge, acceptance,

and understanding of why the task must be performed.


Liebler, J., & McConnell. (2016). Management Principles for Health Professionals (7th ed.). Jones and Bartlett

Publishers. Sudbury, MA.

Sitko-Lutek, A., & Cholewa-Wiktor, M. (2015). Benchmarking for Public Hospital Management Research

Findings. Contemporary Management Quarterly/ Wspolczesne Zarzadzanie, 14(2), 77-88.

Smith, A. (2001). Leadership round table: news, views, and reviews. JCHAO update: clarification for use of

temporary privileges. Nursing Economic$, 19(5), 238-238 1p.

Post 2

Humans are creatures of habits. Aristotle’s quote “Quality is not act. It is a habit”, refers to the work routine and the true commitment to provide a high standard of patient care. The process or habit becomes a stable, integral part of the work day. It is important that managers foster an environment which strives for ongoing quality patient care and ways to improve. Performance improvement functions are categorized into four groups: The first group is continuous quality improvement in which routine studies on standard operations are frequently performed. The second group are routine periodic studies, which pay attention to areas with prior findings or an area which requires more focus then others. The third group is the adoption of a new process or approach, and finally, the fourth group, critical areas of interest due to concerns (Liebler and McConnell, 2012, p. 201-203).

There are many ways to monitor quality of patient care. One way described in the third group of performance improvement functions is the Joint Commission tracer methodology in which systems, individuals, or processes are traced. The surveyors evaluate compliance with standards and national patient safety goals, consistent adherence to policies and procedures, staff competencies, patient environment, and communication between department, programs and services (Joint Commission, 2016). Results of tracers must be discussed with every member of team. “The thought is that if the ’right things are done, and are done right,’ positive patient outcomes will more likely result” (Williamson & Kretschman, 2010, p. 13). Outcome identification is important to measure efficiency and set goals for improvement. When data is collected before and after a new or modified practice, nurses can utilize the information to determine the effectiveness of the process and recommend a change if indicated (Assi, 2014, p. 1). When change is recommended, the data collected becomes a helpful tool to help facilitate why change is necessary so that all members of the team gain understanding. Furthermore, using external resources, such as surveyors for quality of care evaluations, good insight into daily practice errors is provided which unveil quality defects that would otherwise not be seen because of organizational blindness or tunnel vision.


Assi, M.J., (November 1, 2014). Nursing Practice and Work Environment.The quality question: pearls for practice. The American Nurse. Retrieved from:

Joint Commission. (January 26, 2016). Facts about tracer methodology. Retrieved from

Liebler, J. G., & McConnell, C. R. (2012). Management principles for health professionals (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Williamson, K., Kretschman, R. (August, 2010). Outcome measurement matters. Nursing Management; 41(8), p 13–16. DOI: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000384005.91287.e0.

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