Application: HIS Applications
This week, you have looked at five HIS Applications: EHR, PMS, RIS, PACS, and GIS. There are many vendors marketing their solutions concerning these HIS Applications, and in this Application, you will explore one of these solutions in more depth.
For this Application:
• Select one of these Applications: EHR, PMS, RIS, PACS, GIS.
• Choose a particular medical practice, such a rural hospital, public clinic, private specialist, etc.
• Perform a market analysis comparing and contrasting three different vendors of your selected Application for the medical practice you chose.
• Construct a worksheet that contains elements relevant to cost, performance, number of screens and/or reports, and at least two other differentiating variables, for each of the three vendor-specific products. Evaluate each of the elements for the medical practice you chose.
• Summarize your findings in a 1–2 page docoument in APA style. Copy the worksheet into the same document and submit one document.
Follow the directions in the online classroom to complete the Application Assignment.
You will need access to an Internet-enabled computer to complete this assignment.
• Resources Overview
During Week 2, you will use a variety of resources, both required and supplemental, including selections from the course text, Web resources and a video. The Weekly Schedule (a navigation link under Week 2) outlines the resources you will need to participate in the Discussion and complete the Application and the Group Project.
This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week’s assigned Learning Resources. To access select media resources, please use the media players below.
Video: Week 2 Overview
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 20 minutes.
This video provides an introduction to the week’s resources and assignments.
Accessible player
Course Text: Abdelhak, M., & Hanken, M. A. (2016). Health information: Management of a strategic resource (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
• Chapter 6, “Electronic Health Record Systems”
This chapter explores Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Personal Health Records (PHRs) and the issues and barriers that affect their planning and implementation. Read about standards and interoperability and what the future likely holds for data management to support the Application and Group Project this week.
Web Resource
What is GIS?
Access the GIS information page from the CDC and explore the topical links to help you prepare for the Discussion.
Web Resource
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Homepage
This is the Web site for the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), which is a professional membership society of medical imaging professionals, including radiologists, radiation oncologists, medical physicists and allied scientists.
Web Resource
This article describes the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard, which has become the predominant standard for the communication of medical images. Use the information found here to support the Group Project.
Web Resource
Medisoft PMS Demo
This is an online demonstration of commercial Practice Management System (PMS) software. The demo indicates that the software helps clinic staff streamline workflow, speed reimbursement, and reduce denials.
Web Resource
U.S. Department of the Interior – U.S. Geographic Survey
This is the Web site for the USGS mapping sciences page and contains links to pages describing USGS cartographic and geographic products and programs. Use this site to build your knowledge of the mapping sciences. Explore the Education Materials and Fact Sheets on the type of geographic data collected.
Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (2009). Healthcare IT middleware and integrated applications [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.
In this video, Dr. Vincent Grasso demonstrates the physical setting associated with each type of health care IS application such as billing, radiology, and the ER. Dr. Grasso discusses the interface between the systems and the activities that take place in each setting.
Accessible player
Week 2 Application: HIS Applications Assessment Rubric
• (4 Points) Exceptional, complete, clear, exceeds performance indicators
• (3 Points) Excellent, complete, meets performance indicators
• (2 Points) Approaching performance indicators, missing some detail, not fully developed
• (1 Point) Developing competence, vague, weak, needs more detail
• (0 Points) Not present
Points Earned
Medical Practice—The submission identifies the selected Application and the selected medical practice.
Market Analysis—The submission includes an analysis comparing and contrasting three different vendors of the selected application for the selected medical practice.
Worksheet—The submission includes a worksheet with at least 5 differentiating variables, including cost, performance, and number of screens/reports.
Evaluation—The submission evaluates each of the differentiating elements for three products used in the chosen medical practice.
Summary—The submission summarizes the findings.
Form and style—The 1–2 page word document is written in APA style, with consistent style and flow.
Total Points Earned Out of 24
Divide Total Points by 0.48 = Out of 50