Approach to Increase Awareness about Heart Disease in Women



In order to promote an environment that supports scholarly thinking and discussion, it is crucial that you make
quality contributions to the discussions. Therefore, a quality post represents the following:
Demonstrates that you have critically thought about the case and relevant learning objectives. Therefore, a
quality post should include a concise analysis followed by an evidence-based discussion and a conclusion.
Provides evidence-based support for facts or statements made (i.e., includes one or more references to
support or contest a given comment).
Reflects proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar usage. If using uncommon acronyms or
abbreviations these should be defined on the first usage.
Includes citations and references in APA format.
Should be at least 250 words.
Participate in class discussion of Case 5: The Heart Truth: A Social Marketing Approach to Increase
Awareness about Heart Disease in Women
While reading the case study, pay attention to the public health approach to healthcare. Be sure to include
some analysis of the public health principles and specific methods used in your discussion.
Additionally, identify and evaluate the various tools used as they relate to population health


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