Architecture History (ARC 2702)






Architecture History (ARC 2702) – Term Paper Assignment – Dr. Culver

1. Coversheet
2. Outline
3. Body of text
4. Diagrams and Images
5. Bibliography & Footnotes

February 4 Choose a general research topic & submit the topic to me electronically as a thesis statement. Include 5 bibliographic references

March 4 Investigate your topic graphically through the collage (10% of final Grade)

April 1 Completed Paper


Paper Topics

The following is a list of examples for paper topics. You may decide to research a topic of personal interest. Before doing so, please check with me to ensure that the topic itself relates in some fashion to architecture and history. I strongly encourage you to use your creativity in developing a topic of research and in the manner in which you present the information. I also encourage you to include your own sketches, diagrams, and models within the context of this assignment.

American Architecture:

1. Examine the works of 3 American architects by comparing and contrasting their philosophies and projects.
2. Compare and contrast 2-3 styles/movement in American Architecture.
3. Examine ways in which regional influences (historical, building methods, materials, etc.) have influenced contemporary design.
4. Examine architecture locally and look at ways in which history has influenced design
5. Issues relating architecture in the US (security, urban sprawl, urban decay, housing, historical preservation, etc)

Building Types & Structures: Using at least three historical examples, trace the development of the following:

1. Religious Buildings – examine development during one or more eras
2. Palaces (Palazzos) & Villas
3. Housing – comparing and contrasting the works of three architects.
4. Museums
5. The High-rise
6. Hospitals
7. Cemeteries


Urbanism & Landscape Architecture

Furniture & Industrial Design

1. Bauhaus
2. Destijl
3. Baroque
4. Charles & Ray Eames


1. Architecture & the movies
2. Architecture & literature
3. Architecture & linguistics


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