Assessment 1: Self-management plan

Assessment overview
Time management and clear goals are key contributors to success in university and in management environments within business. This assessment is a living example of POLC (Planning, Organising, Leading and Controlling).

Assessment details

This assessment is split into four parts according to the POLC area it addresses. Your weekly activities will assist with the completion of this assessment by Week 4. The Assessment 1 Self-management plan template document has been provided for you to gather and submit your information. It is accessible via the link in the Additional resources section below.

Part 1: Planning
Create your own self-management plan for self-directed learning in this unit. What are your goals and objectives for yourself for this unit and how will you know if you have achieved them?

Give examples of four goals that you wish to achieve in your learning over the teaching period, how you aim to achieve them and how you will measure your success. Using each of the POLC self-management areas (from Week 1) may help you to write these goals.

Four tables like the one below are included in the first section of your template document. The sample text below is to be used only as a guide; please develop your own SMART goals by filling out the ‘My goal’ column only. The goal-setting activity in Week 1 will help you.

*Note: These tables are not included in your total word count.

Goal: To develop planning skills.



The goal should relate to your situation (so that you care about achieving it).

Developing good planning skills will be invaluable during this unit, in my course and in the workplace.


The goal should have a date by which it should be achieved.

By the end of this teaching period.

Part 2: Organising (250 words)
In around 250 words (50 words for each) describe how you will use each of the organisation resources listed below to achieve your SMART goals.

Time (and time management systems)
These may include items such as calendars, to-do lists, planners, etc.

There are people who can help with the work within this unit, such as your eLA or your student peers.

Work environment
Your work environment needs to be organised so it is quiet and you can work uninterrupted.

Work equipment
You’ll need to organise access to the tools necessary to complete this unit, such as computers, software and a reliable internet connection.

Swinburne library has great resources that will help you complete your studies. These can be accessed in physical or electronic form.

Part 3: Leading (self-leadership) (150 words)
What strategies will you adopt to remain motivated and overcome procrastination? You could, for example, talk about the strategy of considering how this assessment task relates to your long-term aspirations (by helping you remain motivated and focused in a future workplace). You could also talk about the strategies you can use to overcome or remove distractions from your work environment.

Part 4: Controlling (100 words)
‘Feedforward controls are desirable because they allow management to prevent problems rather than having to cure them later.’ (Barnat 2014)

Feedforward control is one of the three types of controls we explored in Week 1’s learning materials. This type of control is applied before the task is undertaken.

Follow the steps below to complete this task:

1. Choose one of the SMART goals you developed earlier.
2. Think about some of the issues that could arise in pursuit of that goal. For example, in your upcoming team assessment, you might have one, or more, group members who fail to contribute (a social loafer). This would impact on your on-time delivery (the ‘T’ element of your SMART goal). What would you do to make sure that you deliver on your goal? This contingency is a feedforward control.
3. Prepare a 100 word statement outlining your feedforward control solution.

Additional resources

Self management plan template

Annotated student example

Submission details

Submit your completed self-management plan template (including all 4 parts) via Turnitin. More detailed information is available in the Assessment 1 folder in Blackboard.

Assessment criteria

Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide (the marks add up to the total percentage awarded for this assessment):

Criteria No Pass Pass
50-59% Credit
60-69% Distinction
70-79% High Distinction
1. Planning
(2 marks) Did not meet criterion. Four goals are provided, but more development of the goals is recommended. The goals do not align with the SMART elements. Four goals are provided. An attempt at the SMART format has been made. A greater focus on some aspects is recommended.
Four goals are provided that are relevant to the area of study/this unit, and most aspects of the SMART format are completed accurately.

Four goals are provided that are relevant to the area of study/this unit, and are SMART. They are particularly strong in the Specific element.
2. Organising
(3 marks) Did not meet criterion. Each of the five organisation resources is addressed, but more development of how these will be applied to the SMART goals is recommended. Each of the five organisation resources is addressed. A greater focus on some aspects is recommended, including a stronger linking to the SMART goals. Each of the five organisation resources is addressed showing how these will be used to achieve the SMART goals. Each of the five organisation resources is addressed showing an explicit link to how these will be used to achieve the SMART goals.
3. Leading
(3 marks) Did not meet criterion. An attempt has been made to provide motivational strategies. More detail on these strategies, including examples, is required. Motivational strategies, including relevant examples on how these strategies will impact the student’s future behaviour, have been included. Motivational strategies, including relevant examples on how these strategies will impact the student’s future behaviour, have been included. Complex, but concise, motivational strategies have been detailed. Highly relevant examples on how these strategies will impact the student’s future behaviour, have been included.
4. Controlling
(2 marks) Did not meet criterion. An attempt has been made to apply some feedforward controls to one of the SMART goals. Mostly relevant feedforward controls have been applied to one of the SMART goals. Relevant feedforward controls have been applied to one of the SMART goals including an explanation of how these controls will help to achieve these goals within the allotted timeframe. Highly relevant feedforward controls have been clearly applied to one of the SMART goals including an explanation of how these controls will help to achieve these goals within the allotted timeframe.

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