Assig wk8

Annotation of a Qualitative Research Article
Submit: Annotation of a Qualitative Research Article
This week, you will submit the annotation of a qualitative research article introduced in Week 3.

Annotate one qualitative research article from a peer-reviewed journal on a topic of your interest.
Provide the reference list entry for this article in APA Style followed by a three-paragraph annotation that includes:
A summary
An analysis
An application as illustrated in this example
Format your annotation in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced. A separate References list page is not needed for this assignment.
Submit your annotation.

Article A:
Picard, D., Martin, P., & Tsao, R. (2014). iPads at school: A quantitative comparison of elementary schoolchildren’s pen-on-paper versus finger-on-screen drawing skills. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 50(2), 203–212. doi:10.2190/EC.50.2.c

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