Book Review/application of

Book review and application of Leading With Data: Pathways to Improve Your School by Goldring, E., & Berends, M. (2009).

Length of paper is 3 pages. Paper is scholarly and is not just a summary. Student writes completely, communicating with precision and with appropriate references. Focus is on the book contents and student relates to the material and synthesizes its practicality. Learning and knowledge is evident, and there is an exceptional educative flow to the reflection. APA is correct and appropriate.

Part 1 Improving Schools with Data
Student details information about the importance of data and school improvement. An understanding of the materials is noted. Personal connection is made about future practice and use of data

Part 2 Collecting Data for School Improvement and Student Learning (Ch. 3 & 4)
Student details information about the importance of data based decision making, linking data to mission and goals, using standardized achievement data for school improvement planning and measuring achievement outcomes. Student discusses all forms of assessments and discusses multiple measures for pathways to school improvement. Personal ideas are incorporated.

Part 3 Collection Data for School Improvement and Student Learning (Ch. 5 & 6)
Student discusses the use of formative assessments and multiple measures for pathways to improve school improvement in detail with examples. Student gives concrete current and future practice examples to note understanding.

Part 4 Analyzing Data for School Improvement and Student Learning
Student reflects on how to include the community in data based decision making and connects such to current examples on data analysis and student growth and achievement. This topic is detailed in the review.

Part 5 Using Data for Decision Making
Student discusses evidence-based decisions and processes and connects the book to leading with data or being an instructional leader. Understanding of data and leading with data is evident

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