Casestudy-The “on call” situation




Skidmore was required by his employer, Swift Co., to be “on call.” The “on call” situation allowed him to be
anywhere he wished to be. When called, however, he had to be there within an hour. This was called “waiting
time.” Overall, during most weeks, his actual hours exceeded the 40 hour workweek. Skidmore requested
overtime pay, but was not paid. Swift argued that Skidmore was not entitled to such compensation.
Question: Should on-call time be compensated as working time? Explain.
between the teachers and students. The game was an annual charity event. The game occurred during regular
school hours, and the teachers received their regular salary. The teachers were required toparticipate in the
game, either as a spectator or as a player. No benefit or detriment resulted from a teacher’s decision to play or
to act as a spectator.
ISSUE: Is the injury Ms. Savage sustained due to her participation in the faculty-student basketball game “work
related”? Explain.
Case #17
On Saturday, November 11, 1995, Ms. Parry was employed by Wal-Mart and was scheduled to work a 4:30
p.m. to 11:00 p.m. shift. Ms. Parry left the store at 8:30 p.m. for her meal break. She did not return that night;
instead, she called the store from her home and told the assistant manager that she had slipped on ice in the
parking lot on the way to her car and injured her back. After seeking medical care, Ms. Parry was released to
work on December 26, 1995.The Wal-Mart parking lot was covered with ice as the result of an ice storm on
November 11, 1995. Therewas only one parking lot at Wal-Mart, used by both employees and customers.
Employees were requested, but not required, to park on the south side of the lot so that customers would have
better access to the front door. However, the south side of the lot was not restricted from customer use. As Ms.
Parry walked to her car at about 8:30 p.m. her feet came out from underneath her. She twisted around to catch
herself but her back hit the ground. She drove to her home approximately one block awayand called Wal-Mart,
speaking to the assistant manager. She did not return to work that night or the next day. She sought medical
attention on Monday.
Question: Is the employee covered under workers’ compensation for sustaining injuries by falling in a parking
area designated for use by the general public? Explain

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