Christian Theology as indicated by Daniel Akin
- How do you describe the task of Christian Theology as indicated by Daniel Akin? P. 3 How does John Calvin on the task of theology? P.
- What is the purpose of God’s self-revelation? P. 3
- How does scripture anticipates Christian theology? P. 4&5
- What is scripture? P. 6
- What are three key truths that shape our interpretations of the world and God’s actions in the world? PP. 11-12
- Define theology and list different divisions of theology.
- What is Patristic theology and how has it contributed to theological reflection? P. 17
- Name and define three key heresies that the church faced during the second and third centuries. P. 18
- Who was the father of Latin theology? What was his contributions to theology? P. 18
- What was Irenaeus’s contributions to theology? P 18
- From the Eastern Church were Clement and Origen. Describe their works to theology. P. 18-
- Who were the Cappadocian fathers? What was their role in the Christian faith? What two philosophical categories did they draw from and why? How does that connect to the Trinitarian doctrine? P. 19
- Who was Augustine of Hippo? How has his works impacted Christian theology? P.19-20
- How is Jaroslav Pelikan related to Augustine and other great churchmen in the medieval ages? P.22 2:t
15.”On;y within the framework of Christian theology can theology be pursued .”(Akin, 41) How does this become clear? PP. 41-42 - Aside scripture what are four other ways that we fine the conception of theology significant? PP.44-5
- Define Hermeneutics and how is it important to theology? PP. 47-48
- Differentiate between panentheistic and pantheistic. P. 68
- Discuss special and general revelation.
- What is your view of the authority of scripture? Pp.148-49
- Define Triune God? Differentiate between economic and immanent trinity. P. 162
- Describe John Chrysostom’ contribution to the doctrine of the trinity. P. 163
- Discuss the characters of God. pp. 167-168
- Define the following: modalism, p. 182 homoousios p. 183, and perichoresis p. 206
- Name the three basic forms of arguments on the existence of God. p. 185 which one(s) di you find problematic? Which is helpful?