Circulate a Business Report


You have just completed a report about sales forecasts for your company’s products that you believe would be of great interest to not only your Sales Department manager, but also to other department leaders such as Manufacturing, Procurement, and Marketing, and even those in charge at the international corporate headquarters. You would like their buy-in to make some changes in corporate structure to meet the challenges that this increase in sales will present to the company.
Reply to a Job Ad: You have located an ad for a job that you want to apply for. You believe that your qualifications match those listed in the job ad. You need to show the employer that you are an excellent candidate for the job they are advertising.

Consider the following questions for each scenario you selected:

Who is the audience for the business communication?
What is the context for the business communication?
What type of formatting is used for this communication channel?
What types of resources will you use to review your business communication to ensure it is grammatically correct before finalizing it for delivery to the intended audience?

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