Now that we have completed a good portion of Production Theory, it is time to identify the article you are to review for your Writing Assignment #2.

Flash News about a Summer 2016 WA Experiment! There will be two recent articles on the same topic for WA#2. Provides you with more opportunities to engage in critical analysis.

The first article comes from the recent May 14th edition of The Economist ( with the interesting title of A Fare Shake. Here is the link:

The second article is from the May 13th edition of the Boston Globe (; hmm, not about the beloved Boston Bruins! Another interesting title of Hate surge pricing? It’s not all bad. Here is that link:

Enjoy reading and analyzing them!

Reminder: The deadline to submit to both BB and TI is Friday August 5th at 5pm.

Advice: Check that you can access the articles well in advance of the deadline.

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