Ensuring Ethical Conduct in Supervised Experience for BCBA Certification
Cite the applicable Ethics Code(s) by number and name (e.g., 2.14 rather than 2.0). You must cite relevant codes/sections from the current Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. PLEASE ONLY PICK FROM ETHICS CODES SECTION 5 and 6
Rationale for Chosen Code(s)
Code Violation?
Antecedent Factors Contributing to Scenario
Preventative Strategies
Ethical Course of Action
Future Risk Factors to Keep in Mind
Fully address each of the above.
case 117- Marco is accruing supervised experience hours toward his BCBA exam under the direction of Dr. Stargyen at alocal university. In addition to clinical and administrative services, Marco works as Dr. Stargyens researchassistant. Most of the participants within Dr. Stargyens studies attend a specialized treatment clinic withinthe university. Dr. Stargyen is initiating a new study and has directed Marco to begin compiling baseline datawith the selected participants. At a treatment team meeting for one of the participants, attended by the parents,Marco mentioned his data collection process for the study. The parents were very upset as they had no idea theirson was involved in research while attending the treatment clinic. Marco was asked to meet with Dr. Stargyenlater that day who stated that all the parents should know that their children will be involved in some type ofresearch because they attend a specialized clinic at the university. Marco was told that if he speaks with a parentagain about the research he can find another supervisor and that Dr. Stargyen would not be signing off on thesupervision hours Marco completed this month.