Ethics of Disseminating Behavior Analysis Research Findings

Cite the applicable Ethics Code(s) by number and name (e.g., 2.14 rather than 2.0). You must cite relevant codes/sections from the current Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. PLEASE ONLY PICK FROM ETHICS CODES SECTION 5 and 6
Rationale for Chosen Code(s)
Code Violation?
Antecedent Factors Contributing to Scenario
Preventative Strategies
Ethical Course of Action
Future Risk Factors to Keep in Mind

Fully address each of the above.

case 105- After utilizing a particular behavior reduction strategy for several learners, Sasha, a Board Certified BehaviorAnalyst (BCBA), would like to share her results and findings with a wider audience. She receives permissionfrom several learners to start implementing the behavioral strategy and record the data for potential publicationor to present at local Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) conferences. Sasha is really excited to get started.Though she has never formally conducted a research study before, she is confident in her capabilities of per-forming the strategy and reviewing the data and results.

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Title: Ethics of Disseminating Behavior Analysis Research Findings

Thesis Statement:

In the scenario described, Sasha, the BCBA, is on the verge of engaging in potential ethical violations regarding research and dissemination practices. The discussion will focus on the implications of Code 5.06 from the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts, emphasizing the importance of scientific and professional standards in research endeavors.

Rationale for Chosen Code(s):

– Code 5.06: This code highlights the responsibility of behavior analysts to disseminate research findings and promote the application of behavior analysis. However, it also stresses the obligation to maintain high standards of scientific and professional competence in such activities.

Code Violation:

Sasha’s lack of formal research experience may lead to a violation of Code 5.06, which mandates that behavior analysts must conduct and disseminate research in accordance with recognized scientific standards.

Antecedent Factors Contributing to Scenario:

1. Lack of formal training or experience in research methodology.
2. Overconfidence in personal capabilities without seeking appropriate guidance or supervision.
3. Desire for recognition and validation through publication or presentation without considering ethical implications.

Preventative Strategies:

1. Seek mentorship or collaboration with experienced researchers to guide the research process.
2. Conduct a thorough literature review to understand existing research in the field and align methodologies accordingly.
3. Ensure informed consent and ethical treatment of participants throughout the research process.

Ethical Course of Action:

Sasha should refrain from initiating the research project until she has acquired adequate training or supervision in research methodology. She should seek guidance from experienced researchers, review ethical guidelines for human research, and develop a detailed research plan that upholds scientific rigor and ethical standards.

Future Risk Factors to Keep in Mind:

1. Compromising the validity and reliability of research results due to methodological errors.
2. Potential harm to participants if proper ethical considerations are not followed during data collection and analysis.
3. Damage to professional reputation and credibility within the behavior analysis community if research misconduct is discovered.

In summary, maintaining ethical standards in research practices is essential for upholding the integrity of behavior analysis as a field. Sasha must prioritize adherence to scientific and professional guidelines to ensure that her research efforts contribute positively to the advancement of behavior analysis principles and practices. Seeking appropriate support and guidance will not only enhance the quality of her research but also safeguard against ethical lapses that could compromise the well-being of participants and the integrity of her work.


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