Ethics of Disseminating Behavior Analysis Research Findings
Cite the applicable Ethics Code(s) by number and name (e.g., 2.14 rather than 2.0). You must cite relevant codes/sections from the current Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. PLEASE ONLY PICK FROM ETHICS CODES SECTION 5 and 6
Rationale for Chosen Code(s)
Code Violation?
Antecedent Factors Contributing to Scenario
Preventative Strategies
Ethical Course of Action
Future Risk Factors to Keep in Mind
Fully address each of the above.
case 105- After utilizing a particular behavior reduction strategy for several learners, Sasha, a Board Certified BehaviorAnalyst (BCBA), would like to share her results and findings with a wider audience. She receives permissionfrom several learners to start implementing the behavioral strategy and record the data for potential publicationor to present at local Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) conferences. Sasha is really excited to get started.Though she has never formally conducted a research study before, she is confident in her capabilities of per-forming the strategy and reviewing the data and results.