Feminism in the News Assignment

Instructions: Find a recent article related to the topics of our course in a printed or online news or popular media article. The article does not necessarily have to include the word “feminism” (or any specific word, in fact), but its central topic must be, without a doubt, related to the course focus or specific topics within the course (privilege, difference, oppression, cultural/artistic expression, embodiment, sex and gender, politics and power, etc. as they apply to women).
Criteria for the article: -Must be recent (not more than 6 months old). -Must be from a credible printed or online news or popular media source (no personal blogs, academic webpages or articles, online encyclopedias or other reference pages). -It can be a non-US source, as long as it is in English or there is an English version available. -Length of your target article must be between 750 and 1200 words (if you find one you really like that does not fulfill this requirement, please consult with me). -It can be a news report or an opinion article. -You must provide a working link to the article. If you are using a print article not available in digital format, please scan it and submit a pdf of it together with your commentary.
Here are some examples: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/10/opinion/sunday/get-the-epidural.html?_r=0 http://www.bbc.com/news/business-36761788 http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2016/07/tales-child-bride-father-sold-12- cows-160711100933281.html http://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/women-pose-nude-in-protest-to-donald- trump-for-spencer-tunick-art-installation-in-cleveland-before-republican- convention/news-story/84dd1c475fb4b12f8a4e20d4e511d115
Description of the assignment and rubric The objective of this assignment is to practice critical analysis of news and popular media focusing on women’s issues/ feminist issues. You will write a commentary or response to a news article of your choice; the length of your response should be between 550-750 words, and be structured in the following way:
First paragraph (about 200-250 words): 1. In your own words, summarize the article, emphasizing the who, where, and when. 2. Clearly identify the argument made by the author of the article- keep in mind that even if it is an article reporting “the facts” of a situation, what you see on the page reflects the values and beliefs of the author and the publication. In other words, what do you think the author is trying to convince you of? Do not simply copy/paste the argument, rather, paraphrase and explain in your own
Second paragraph (200-250 words): Say whether you agree with the author (if it’s an opinion article), or if you agree with the authors take on the event or situation that they are reporting (if it’s a news report). Give at least two reasons why you agree or disagree. For example, if it is an article reporting an event, would you have reported it differently? Why or why not?
Third paragraph (150- 250 words): In your opinion, how does this article relate to some of the goals of feminism (as you understand them so far)? Say, especially, whether there are any particular feminist goals or values that come to mind while reading the article (autonomy, independence, political agency, economic independence, equality, reproductive justice, etc.)
Grade Criteria
A (4.0)- 250 points
Excellent Work/ Nearly Excellent Work: fulfills structural and formatting requirements, no significant grammatical/ spelling errors, provides original and notably insightful critique of article, writing flows very well and is easy to understand.
B (3.5)- 225 points
Good/ Very Good Work: fulfills structural and formatting requirements, no significant grammatical/ spelling errors, provides original and sufficiently developed critique of article, writing flows well and is easy to understand.
B- (3.0)- 200 points
Mostly Good Work: generally fulfills structural and formatting requirements, two or more significant grammatical/ spelling errors, critique of article is adequate but can be further developed, writing generally flows well but needs improvement.
C (2.5)- 185 points
Average Work: structural and formatting requirements not fulfilled in 1-2 aspects, two or more significant grammatical/ spelling errors, critique of article is not sufficiently developed (for instance, lacks reasons to support it), writing generally flows well but needs improvement.
C- (2.0)- 175 points
Mostly Average Work: structural and formatting requirements not fulfilled in more than two aspects, three or more significant grammatical/ spelling errors, critique of article needs significant improvement in terms of relevance to the article and supporting reasons, flow of writing is compromised to the point that it makes reading difficult.
D (1.5)- 160 points
Below Average: structural and formatting requirements not fulfilled in more than two aspects, three or more significant grammatical/ spelling errors, critique missing or very poorly developed, flow of writing is compromised to the point that it makes reading difficult.
E (1.0)- 125 points
Poor Work: structural and formatting requirements not fulfilled in all aspects, three or more significant grammatical/ spelling errors, no critique of article provided. F (0.0)- 0 points Failing Work: Not submitted or fails to fulfill requirements beyond what is described in the previous grade category.

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