Flagellin (and its development to be used as a vaccine adjuvant)

Mini Review
Task Description:
The mini review should be written in the form of a journal article in the style of a mini review. The ‘Instructions for Authors’ for the journal will help you construct the document. The format to follow is that for submission to that of the nature publishing group “Frontiers” found at “https://www.frontiersin.org/about/AuthorGuidelines”. Please use the template provided by the journal for submission. The presentations style should be appropriate for submission to the journal with the following exceptions.
• It is acceptable to go up to 10% above the journal set limit, albeit concise scientific writing is highly favoured. Title, abstract, tables, figures, legends and references do not count towards the word limit.
• Appendices or supplemental data may not be included.

• Vancouver referencing style

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