Formative Assessment: Multiplying Tenths
While assessment data provide a great deal of information to teachers about what students have learned, assessments also inform how teachers plan and
deliver future instruction. In this task, you will use a formative assessment, student data from the formative assessment, and three student profiles to
evaluate an existing lesson plan. You will then plan future instruction and assessments designed to meet the needs of all learners.
A. Evaluate whether the attached “Formative Assessment: Multiplying Tenths” is an appropriate measurement instrument for the learning objectives and
academic standards in the attached “Lesson Plan: Multiplying Tenths” by doing the following:
- Analyze the alignment of the formative assessment to the lesson’s learning objectives and academic standards.
- Discuss the appropriateness of the rigor and relevance of the formative assessment.
- Discuss how well the formative assessment measures student understanding and progress and informs future instruction.
B. Evaluate the effectiveness of the attached “Lesson Plan: Multiplying Tenths” on student outcomes, as measured by the formative assessment data in the
“Formative Assessment Results” supporting document. - Analyze student learning for the class as a whole based on the data in the attached “Formative Assessment Results.”
C. Discuss specific learning needs for each of the three students in the attached “Student Profiles.” - Explain how the learning needs from part C may have affected the performance of each of the three students based on the information in the attached
“Student Profiles” and the data in the attached “Formative Assessment Results.”
D. Explain how you would address the learning needs of all students in a follow-up lesson plan the next day by doing the following: - Describe the instructional strategies you would use in the next day’s lesson plan to address the needs of the entire class based on the results from the
“Formative Assessment Results” supporting document. - Explain how you would differentiate instruction in the next day’s lesson to meet the learning needs of each of the three students in the attached “Student
a. Justify how the differentiation from part D2 would meet the learning needs of each student in the “Student Profiles” supporting document. - Describe the formative assessment you would use during the lesson described in parts D1 and D2.
a. Justify how the assessment described in part D3 would measure individual students’ learning.
E. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.