History – Minorities in America
• California Baptist University HIS 311 History of Minorities in America Custom Electronic Edition Slim Pack – Sage Reader
• Ch. 17 Immigration Policy: The Road to Settlement and Citizenship – Sage Reader
• Ch. 18 Immigrants and the Economy – Sage Reader
• Link for Sage Reader Chapters Screen Shots: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yUxgEa4-FUtFkQO9tpJDoFdOMKcvWKuK/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115476296316985384914&rtpof=true&sd=true
PowerPoint Lectures: See uploaded files
Assignment 1 – Discussion:
• Read the uploaded PDF for Week 7.
o The Immigration table give us 8 steps to having fruitful conversations about immigration. Please read the 8 steps. Then answer one of the four questions proposed as conversation starters.
1. “Have you ever been in a circumstance where you were a newcomer or felt out of place?”
2. “What factors do you think most influence your perspective? Your personal experience with immigrants whom you know? The media? The Bible?”For me, I think it is the media mostly.
3. “How do you think you might respond if you faced the circumstances that many immigrants were in prior to their decision to come to the U.S.?”
4. “Can you tell me about an immigrant you know in our community that you’ve worked with, served or learned from?”I have never worked with or served an immigrant in my community.
**Please keep in mind I am a 20-year-old female. Thank you for your help!!
Assignment 2 – Application Exercise:
Complete answer to each prompt, plus expansion of ideas and thoughts with examples
• Describe early immigration policies of the U.S.
• How have restrictions grown out of domestic and international pressures?
• How has the call for more open boarders grow out of domestic and international pressures?