HMS: Legal Implications of Human Services
• Parsons, R., & Dickinson, K.L. (2016). Ethical Practice in the Human Services. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.
Read Chapters:
• 13: Ethical Challenges Working with Groups, Couples and Families
Additional Reading:
• NY Times “The Ethicist” reading – choose any 3-4 columns to read and review the ethical decision making discussed:
• Read Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals:
• Please see one uploaded file.
In chapter 13, the authors discuss the inherent challenges that exist when working with groups, couples, and families. Specifically, the authors discussed confidentiality issues such as “Secrets as Confidential?” (which often comes up in couples or family therapy) and “Limits to Ensuring Confidentiality” (which often is a challenge in group therapy).
• Please chose 1 of these challenges and briefly discuss your understanding of it.
• Then, discuss how you see it having a potential negative impact on the treatment of the couple, family, or group?
• Do you have any ideas for how to make the issue less of a challenge?