How can the information from this course, combined with information from other courses, training, and reading, help you contribute to the success of a small group?

please answer these two Questions:
Q1) How can the information from this course, combined with information from other courses, training, and reading, help you contribute to the success of a small group? Pick a group of which you have been, are,or are likely to become a member. A small group consists of 3 to 12 people. The group must exist to solve some problem in your workplace, profession, community, or society in general. You may find concepts from Lesson 7 very helpful with this forum.(250 words)

Q2) Discuss your use of MS Word and other formats for writing. Handwriting, PPT, Excel, FrontPage (or any application you may be using for work or personal writing).

Discuss their features and the tech tools. How do these features add to aid or offer hindrances to your writing using the computer vs. handwriting?
Share your tricks of the trade in any program or application you use to enhance your messages.
Consider what tools do you use in the MS Office Suite, what do you rely too much upon? What have these tools provided as aid in writing tasks?
(250 words)

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