Image analysis
Select one of the photos from any of the photo galleries Time magazine has available via the link above. Please note that not all of these photos are vetted and some may be graphic in nature. You can also provide a specific photo you may already have in mind. In a two-page reflection (about 500 words), answer the following questions regarding the photo you selected:
What is the rhetorical meaning in the photo? What meaning is it trying to convey?
Looking at the concepts we have covered thus far, what audience is it trying to connect with?
Is the image credible? ethically obtained? Misleading?
What elements does the photographer use in order to draw your eye to the focal point of the image?
You should make specific connections to the readings to support your claims. You are required to use a minimum of two sources: one must be the course
textbook or an assigned article. Provide the link to the image you chose.

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