Inflation in America
- Select a research topic on an economic issue. Consult with your instructor to discuss your ideas.
- Conduct research on your topic using at least three sources.
- Write a Research Paper with a Body length of 2-3 pages using APA style.
- Double-space your Research Paper.
- Include a Title Page, an Abstract with Key Words, a Body, and References.
- In the Body of your Research Paper, begin with an Introductory Paragraph and end with a Concluding Paragraph.
- Consider using the Writing Lab to provide assistance with editing your paper.
- Your paper will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign. Plagiarized papers, whether intentional or simply due to ignorance will receive a total grade of zero. Read the following information on plagiarism.
The Research and Writing Process
Begin this assignment by following these steps in the research process: - Select a topic.
- Look for reference materials that address the topic from a wide variety of sources.
- Focus on one particular question inside your topic to address in your paper.
- Develop your thesis based on your reading and your analysis.
- Make sure you have a strong thesis. Can you answer “yes” to these questions about your thesis?
o Does the thesis respond to the prompt or address my research question?
o Could someone disagree with this thesis?
o Is the thesis derived from considering a wide variety of sources and statistics?