Informatics solution proposal general solution

Determine a category of informatics or technology that can solve the clinical or administrative issue you identified in Week 2.

Compose a summary of the benefits of selecting a product from this category of technology or informatics system:

Identify a category of informatics or technology solution that may be appropriate for the identified workplace. Select a category of solution but not a specific product. If you read Chapter 6 (Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Profession 5th Edition by Toni Lee Hebda BSN, M.N.Ed., Ph.D., MSIS; Patricia Czar RN), you will see all of the different categories listed under either Clinical or Administrative. You are not picking specific products until next week.

Provide a rationale for why this category of solution may help address the clinical or administrative problem.
Describe regulatory, legal, or ethical issues this category of solution may cause or resolve.

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