Information Hunts


Information Hunt answers should include the source where you found the information and the answer.

For print sources, include citation information for the source as well as the title of the source that you used, the date published, and the page number on which you found the answer, and the answer itself. To get full credit for an answer, you must include the page number.

For electronic sources, include citation information for the source as well as the title of the source that you used and appropriate citation information (such as the URL of the page on which you found the answer), and the answer itself. In the event that your search leads you from one source to another, include your path to the answer.

Do not evaluate a resource previously used to answer the information hunt questions.

For each information resource selected, you will:

Analyze the resource in depth.
Provide bibliographic information for the resource, such as the title, publication date, author/editor/producer, and publisher/URL.
Give an original evaluation of the resource, which includes authority, scope, and arrangement.
Provide your recommendation for the type(s) of user group for which this source would be appropriate and why.


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