Interview on Food Waste




For Assignment 5, you will conduct an open ended interview, where you will learn about the tasks involved in the role that people play in relationship to food – either as the food preparer, cook, shopper, etc. When appropriate and possible, you will probe for questions related to food waste. Use the questions that you posted on Discussion Board 9 that were re-worked by a classmate or that you think will work well for gathering a person’s story about food waste. Remember, that you will ask the person questions based on what they share with you so you don’t need a lot of questions. You want to create a conversation.

If you are living with someone in your home, please plan to conduct a face to face interview with this person. If you are living by yourself, plan to conduct an interview by using some kind of technology like zoom, facetime etc. Request to tape your interviewee because you will need to transcribe 3 consecutive pages and submit it to me. Verbatim transcription (word for word unless completely tangential to the interview) takes a long time so please plan accordingly! At the end of your interview, please ask questions so that you have demographic information about this person.

Please respond to the following questions for Assignment 5.

Provide the demographic information about the person you interviewed.
Transcribe 3 consecutive pages of the most interesting part of your interview. If you skip a section because you both went on a tangent use, … (3 dots) to let me know this. Three dots represents a lapse of information.
Write two points that you found most interesting about what your respondent shared with you? (This will likely become a theme and pattern if you were to continue your interviews.)
What would you do differently if you were to conduct another interview?
What open-ended questions would you add to your current set of questions that you would want to make sure that you asked future respondents if you were to conduct another interview?



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