Introductory dependent clause








Add a subordinating conjunction to the beginning of the first sentence to make it an introductory dependent clause. Then, add an independent clause to the end.

Lionel Messi is the best player in the world.

There are others who are very good.




Add a subordinating conjunction to the beginning of the first sentence to make it an introductory dependent clause. Then, add an independent clause to the end.

The World Cup was held in Qatar.

Argentina and France met in the finals.




Combine the two sentences using a transition word or phrase. Remember there are two pieces of punctuation in this sentence-combining technique:

Ascencio made a goal in the semifinals.

His team did not win.




Begin with an introductory independent clause. Then, add a subordinating conjunction to the second sentence and combine it so that the dependent clause comes after the independent clause:

Hakeem stayed in and watched TV.

He was too tired to go out.




Combine the two sentences using a transition word or phrase. Remember there are two pieces of punctuation in this sentence-combining technique:

Transition words are used in academic writing.

It is important to learn how to use them well.



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