Is getting a pet a worse or a smarter decision

The annotated bibliography is due this tonight by 11:55pm. Please be sure to review the directions and the sample. Make sure
The bibliography is correctly formatted in MLA format, arranged in alphabetical order.
You have the correct number of sources
You have the correct TYPE of sources
You have clear summaries (roughly a paragraph, perhaps more for longer sources) of the sources that are completely in your own words. Please avoid quotes. The summaries can contain no plagiarism; be sure the ideas are really in your own words.
You include a brief assessment of each source. The assessment has nothing to do with you or your paper. You are assessing the source. What is each source’s particular strength and/or weakness? What does it offer that other sources might not?
To stay in objective third person point of view. No I, you, or your. No we.

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