Making decisions
Step 1: Read the following:
Rhonda is an 18-year-old student who is trying to decide on her major. She was a good student in high school, earning a 3.4 grade point average. Her best subjects were English and American history. She struggled with math and science but still earned good grades in these subjects. While in high school she enjoyed being on the debate team and organizing the African American Club. This club was active in writing letters to the editor and became involved in supporting a local candidate for city council. Rhonda is considering majoring in political science and has dreams of eventually going to law school. Rhonda likes being politically involved and advocating for different social causes. The highlight of her life in high school was when she organized students to speak to the city council about installing a traffic light in front of the school after a student was killed trying to cross the street. The light was installed during her senior year. Rhonda’s family has always been supportive, and she values her family life and the close relationships in the family. She comes from a middle-income family that is struggling to pay for her college education. Getting a bachelor’s degree in political science and going to law school would take seven years and be very expensive. There is no law school in town, so Rhonda would have to move away from home to attend school. Rhonda’s parents have suggested that she consider becoming a nurse and attending the local nursing college. Rhonda could finish a bachelor’s degree in nursing in four years and could begin working part-time as a nurse’s aide in a short time. A cousin in the family became a nurse and found a job easily and is now earning a good income. The cousin arranged for Rhonda to volunteer this summer at the hospital where she works. Rhonda enjoys helping people at the hospital. Rhonda is trying to decide on her major. What should she do?
Step 2: Answer the following questions in the same format provided to you here:
State the problem.
Describe Rhonda’s values, hopes, and dreams.
What special interests and talents does she have?
What further information would be helpful to Rhonda in making her decision?
What are some alternative decisions she could make and the pros (positives) and cons (negatives) of each?
Alternative 1:
Alternative 2:
Only Rhonda can choose what is best for her. If you were Rhonda, what would you do and why?